Radioactive Material Management

Characterize your waste (alpha, beta & gamma emitters)
To ensure nuclear material inventories and mitigate risks of their diversion is a fundamental challenge for nuclear facilities. Our nuclear measurement solutions are amongst the most reliable for the quantification and qualification of sensitive materials, whether they are stored or on their way to be reused in the civilian fuel cycle.
Control and quantification of tritium
Among the non-destructive assay techniques, calorimetry is the most reliable one for the quantification of tritium contained in molecular sieves, getters or contaminated materials. Our solutions of the HEAT-CHECK family use this unique technique.
Control and quantification of beta emitters
Calorimetry is the most reliable non-destructive assay for the quantification of beta emitters such as Sr-90 and Y-90.
Control of Special Nuclear Materials
Our calorimetry solutions alone or in combination with other techniques are well-adapted to alpha emitters, more particularly special nuclear materials like plutonium 238, 239, 240, 241, 242 or américium 241. They determine, amongst other things, their mass and isotopic composition.
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