Safeguard, Accounting, Inventory

Tritium and beta emitters
Calorimetry is the most reliable non-destructive analysis technique for the quantification of tritium contents. Coupled with gamma spectrometry or neutron counting, it can quantify tritium in the presence of other radionuclides. Our HEAT-CHECK solutions use this truly unique technique.
Alpha Emitters
Our calorimetry solutions, alone or combined with gamma spectrometry, are adapted to alpha emitters, especially transuranians like Pu and its isotopes or americium. They determine their mass and isotopic composition.
New detectors
Our developments in the field of materials are opening up new possibilities for designing sensors to detect and even identify isotopes, in a simple and accessible way.
The combination of one or more non-destructive measurement solutions can fit the characterization needs of a wide range of objects such as container, physicochemical nature, volume, activity level or isotopic spectrum.
associated solutions

Development and synthesis of new materials for radiactivity detection and isotope identification
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